While we aim to provide exceptional service, we acknowledge that concerns may arise. We have a free and straightforward complaints procedure to address any dissatisfaction.

What is a complaint?
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction related to our service or the complaints handling process, expecting a response or resolution.

How to contact us:

In writingDispute Resolutions Officer
Starling Capital
PO BOX 5821
Stafford Heights QLD 4053
By phone
(during business hours)
1300 300 300
By Emailcustomer.relations@starlingcapital.com.au

Expected resolution time:
Our goal is to resolve complaints swiftly, typically within 21 days. In more complex cases, resolution may take up to 30 days.

If unresolved:
If your complaint persists or 30 days elapse, you may escalate it to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Details for AFCA are provided in this document.

Privacy Complaints

For privacy-related complaints, follow the outlined process. If unsatisfied with AFCA, you may also contact the Officer of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Anonymous complaints

We regretfully cannot address anonymous complaints. To ensure thorough investigation and resolution, we require your name.
For additional information, contact our Customer Service Manager at 07 5619 8059 during business hours.